Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sweet Teeth

Right now Eastern has an exhibit in the Akus gallery called 'Sweet Tooth' with art by Yosiell Lorenzo. It's a really cool exhibit with some very intriguing art. Going into the gallery gave me a bunch of ideas for my own art. I also went to the artist's talk and heard about how he got started and where he gets his inspiration. I always think is interesting to know where other arists get inspiration because you may never think of something as inspiration until someone else mentions that it inspired them.

Friday, February 19, 2010


In one of my classes, we had to "write" a Dada poem. Here are the instructions to create a Dada poem (according to Tristan Tzara's method):

1. Take a newspaper and a pair of scissors
2. Choose an article the length you want your poem to be
3. Cut out the article
4. Carefully cut out each individual word and put them in a bag
5. Gently shake the bag
6. Take out word by word and copy down on paper, in the order they come out
7. The poem is finished when the bag is empty

Undoubtedly, if you follow this, you will end up with a lot of nonsense, but some of the phrases that come up, can give you some wonderful imagery ideas and I found it was a very good place to grab inspiration. Some of the phrases that I really liked from mine were 'testing dangerous judge of Justice' and 'handcuffs comment controlled control'.

I found that a plastic cup worked better than a bag. For mine, I used every time that a comma came up as a line break and every period as a stanza break. Also, you might want to either not include hyphenated words or write the whole word on one piece of paper, so that the poem makes a little more sense in the end and at least every word is a real word.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


It seems that I'm always looking for inspiration for my art and when I really need it, I can't find anything to inspire me. So this is a place to collect different things for inspiration. Whether that is images, phrases, or assignments and activities, that bring ideas to mind. I'm compiling inspiration for visual art but that doesn't mean that what gets put on here couldn't be used for writing, theatre or any other art form. Anything can be inspiration, it all depends on how you see it!